Bolton School Girls’ Division Newspaper


Bolton School: Moving Forward Together

As one of the North West’s leading independent schools, Bolton School is  immensely proud to bare the school crest, which not only represents ourselves as a community, but also the fascinating history of our foundation by Lord Leverhulme. The influence of which remains channelled through our traditions today.

The campus is spread over a 32 acres, teaching conscientious pupils ranging from  0-18 with a focused passion on the highest standards of academia, Drama, Sport and Music.


The school now enters into a new phase of its history. We could not be more pleased to connect ever more potently as a foundation, through the recent unification of all the  schools in the Bolton School family together under a new structure.  Perhaps this can be most significantly seen through the figure of the former Head of the Senior Boys’ Division,  Mr Philip Britton, MBE, who was appointed to the newly created role as Head of Foundation.

With each Division consistently striving for excellence, our school’s ethos of ‘Education All Round’ (inside and outside the classroom) is dutifully continued through the active encouragement from our Head of Foundation to expand your knowledge of the world beyond your academic studies, or Hinterland. Pupils across all schools are encourage to engage in volunteering in their communities and join clubs and societies in their area, as well as to read and learn about the world around them. Also valuing the experience of building networks across the foundation, skills  imperative for future careers and later life. Our shared values are strengthened and our opportunities widened as we embrace these changes that reach back to the ethos upon which we are founded.

In the Girls’ Division the the recent inaugural Founders’ Day Assembly reminded us all of the struggle for education women faced in a masculine world. Whilst also renewing the foundation-wide remembrance of Lord Leverhulme through the collective chorusing of the school song and learning of the importance of making your school a better place via your individual and collective impact.

Due to the separation suffered over the last few years of hardship, loss and isolation due to Covid, the joining of the Divisions could not be more timely and as a school, we are thankful for such an inspiring figurehead and the ability to connect across year-groups and gender through the even more extensive opportunities, societies and enrichment activities designed to greater enhance the student experience.

This is especially notable in the volunteering and charity work that is of central importance to all Bolton School pupils and the incredible funding efforts aiding those in the community and across the globe.

This makes us all feel even more hopeful that this is just the beginning but yet the continuation of a legacy that will far outlast us today.

By Lily Coupe (Year 8)

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