Bolton School Girls’ Division Newspaper


The Magic of Mindfulness…

One of the extra-curricular clubs taking place on Fridays, is Mindfulness. In the Turret Library, every week A, Year 7 girls do an assortment of relaxing and calming activities such as painting, colouring and making friendship bracelets!

Girls look at de-stressing techniques and how to practise mindfulness at home. Every other week, detailed ideas and fun projects are posted by Miss Toland ( the organiser of the club) on the Showbie group. Recipes, inspiring quotes and motivating stories are just some of the encouraging concepts that are posted for girls to read.

But what exactly happens at each club? Miss Toland answered these questions for us:

Q) What inspired you to start mindfulness?

A) I started Mindfulness Club online during Lockdown as it was such a challenging time for everyone, particularly young people, and having practised Mindfulness for several years I thought the practices might help students at BSGD cope with the anxieties that the pandemic caused. In its essence, mindfulness can help us enjoy life more and understand ourselves better.

Q) Do you practise mindfulness yourself?

A) Yes- I started Mindfulness and Yoga while at University and it really helped improve my own mental wellbeing. I still practise it now and I’m learning new things about it all the time.

Q) What has been your favourite activity that you’ve done in the club?

A) The Mandala Rocks were really good fun to do. It is lovely to hear that many of the girls who attend the club are still using their rocks for the Magic Rock Mindful Practice (where each night you hold the rock/pebble and say 3 things in your mind that you are thankful for that day, thus forcing your thoughts to be positive ones before sleep and practising gratitude).

Getting ready to paint mandala stones.
Getting ready to paint mandala stones.
The Library’s wellbeing display.
The Library’s wellbeing display.

Q) What years is the club for?

A) Friday week B (1.30-2 in the Turret Library) is for years 10 and 11 and Friday week A (1.30-2 in the Turret Library) is for year 7.

Q) How can someone join the club?

A) Students interested in joining should email me at

Q) Is there anything you would like to say about mindfulness or the club?

A) There is also a Mindfulness Showbie class, which is open to all pupils and staff. Each week is focused on a different area of Mindfulness and there are lots of helpful tips and suggestions on there to help improve mental wellbeing. If you would like to join the code is: AGQEW.

Mindfulness is an amazing way to improve your self awareness and deal with stress. If you want to find out more about the practice of mindfulness, the Library recently did a display on wellbeing and mindfulness with some really helpful books and magazines to help you support you own mental health. If you have any queries about mindfulness club, you should email Miss Toland.

If you want to practice mindfulness on your own or at home, a good app to use is ‘Smiling Mind’. There are many other apps and resources to use and I really recommend trying some out! Being mindful is a vital part of having a healthy mind-and therefore body. If you ever feel anxious or scared (whether that’s about exams or even a report from school), take a minute to just think and instead of having your mind full, be mindful!

Have a lovely day-and remember to breathe!

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By Meera Salvi

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