Issue 4

Cost of Living: What does that mean?
I’m sure you’ve heard talk about ‘ the cost of living’ or ‘high levels of inflation’ at least once in the last month or so, be that by your parents, classmates at school or on the evening news, but do you know what this actually means and how it will affect us all in […]

Should Sign Language be Taught in Schools?
According to the World Health Organisation report on hearing, just over 5% of the population (430 million people) live with hearing loss that is considered ‘disabling’. People who have disabling hearing problems face an array of challenges throughout their lives. 78% of deaf children currently attend a mainstream school with absolutely no specialist help provided, while the few specialist […]

How about an Eco-Christmas?
Well, how about it? Christmas is a great time for us, right? Well, it’s not so great for our planet and environment. Christmas can be wasteful and not the best time for the environment, because of all the extra plastic gifts, glitter and extra lights. However, this is not an unfixable problem, and there are […]

Florence & the Machine- a Review
This was supposed to be a gig review of Florence + the Machine playing at the AO Arena in Manchester on Tuesday 22nd November 2022. My friend and I had been looking forward to it for months; counting down the days until we could go and scream along to one of our favourite bands! Then […]

Becoming Environmentally Active – Some Simple Changes
Over this past year, we experienced the hottest temperatures the UK has ever seen. Pollution levels in cities are astronomically high, and studies have suggested that this can affect the development of children and increase those who suffer from asthma. It’s becoming more and more common to see a dam or reservoir much lower than […]
DofE Choices: Why Do Karate?
With the Duke of Edinburgh Awards coming up, many Year 9s are considering their choices for the Physical, Skills and Volunteering sections. Although some students will have some difficult decisions to make, they should remember this is a great opportunity to enjoy new experiences, improve social skills and to have fun! It is also, of […]
African American Women in the Civil War
‘’The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued.’’ These words from Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, couldn’t be more relevant in 2022; women are more important than ever before as we break boundaries and fight against oppression. We are privileged enough […]
Winter Fashion 2022: Style And Sustainability?
Trying to protect our planet has become as an important an issue of how to look good. Most of us care about both these things, which raises an important question: is it possible to be both sustainable and stylish? This may require some planning, but the answer is a definite yes! Below is a step-by-step […]
Why is there a Gender imbalance in Computer Programming?
Programming, or coding, is, according to the dictionary, the process or activity or writing computer programs. Simply put, it is when you, the human, writes a set of instructions to make a computer do a specific action for you. You can do this through a large variety of programming languages, such as Python, Javascript, C++ […]
Sunflowers, Soup, and Public Order Bills
Some call it a scandal. Some say it was unnecessary. Others say it was a clever political stunt and others aren’t sure what to think. The events of October toyed with the minds of many but, on a large scale, what do they show? What would lead someone to do what these two young women […]
The UK’s ‘Economic Crisis’
2022 is turning out to be a tough year. Many people thought that as we emerged from Covid lockdowns that life would get easier as things got back to normal. But that’s not where we find ourselves as we are hit by a new set of challenges. The Bank of England issued a warning on […]
Palm oil: what Environmentally Friendly Gifts do you buy for Christmas?
Christmas is, famously, the time of giving. But all our generosity can have a huge impact on the world we live in; the good news is that every little change, made by each of us, can make a difference! This Christmas we may well be distracted by political and economic crises: surging energy prices, the […]
DofE Choices: Why do Badminton?
As many of you know, badminton is a sport; it is played by men, women and children, in pairs or individually, both for competition and for fun. Badminton is a good sport to take up for the physical aspect of DofE as it’s fun and good exercise. Badminton is played with a racquet, and instead […]
The Unspoken Side of Christmas
Christmas is a time of year associated with fun and joy, for lots of people. It is the time of year where all the adverts have one theme: how to have a happy Christmas. But what about those who don’t enjoy it as much, or even at all? For example, Ebenezer Scrooge from the famous […]